Monday, April 23, 2012


First of all, my apologies to the amazing ACTOR Ryan Gosling (in the picture) who is here, in all its immense beauty and charm, being used as an illustration to another sad subject.
Sexual harassment in Cairo has been an issue under debate for quite some time through egyptian and foreigner women´s voices. It became REALLY out of the common record when you reached a point of NEVER going out in the street without listening sexual and offensive comments from men. The post-Revolutionary period is proving to be harder than we thought on everyone and on many levels. Men´s even wider frustration shows its thorns at this time, more than ever.

If unemployment was a HUGE problem before the Egyptian Revolution (January, 2011), it became an even bigger problem after it. There are more men without jobs and that means:

1. Men hanging around streets and coffee-shops in a total state of nervous breakdown. They don´t know how to feed their families, if or when they will get their jobs back or get their first job ever. Uncertainty and economic hopelessness DEEPLY affects men´s self esteem and mental balance, specially in a society where they are valued - or despised - regarding the MONEY they earn. A man without a job, money, home, car and the whole material circus is equal to ZERO in egyptian society so a crescent unemployment has a strong, destructive grip on them.

2. When their MALE pride is on the floor, frustration and anger arise and the ones who pay for it are WOMEN. These fragilized, frustrated unemployed individuals feel less than a MAN when they´re not able to earn money and sustain themselves and a family. So their free, empty, sad time is applied on throwing their frustration on the women to dare to walk in the streets.

These factors do not take the responsability from perverts who think it is OK to sexually harass women but they explain, somehow, why we see so many men - more and more as we speak - giving a hellish time to every body from which a skirt is hanging.
Change ECONOMY, CREATE more - and FAIR - employment opportunities for both women and men as there will not be so much space and time for foolishness and sick behaviours. Like it or not, these are the REAL POLITICAL issues that the future Government has to worry about. Not if women wear veils or not, bikinis or "burqas".
It all goes down to the same point: USE YOUR BRAINS, dear people!

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