Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Counting my Blessings (last trip´s jewels*)

It has been a Faith - and consistente/persistente work - Journey.
No fruit has fallen from the sky without a previous seeding period, watering and all the tiny or big care period every crop needs to flourish and be fruitful.
Time has been too little for me to update my blogs (so much going on in my Life and so much SERIOUS responsabilities on my hands) but - allas - it is a great sign of LIFE, ADVANCEMENTS, PROSPERITY and WELL DESERVED SUCCESS.
Meanwhile, I am COUNTING MY BLESSINGS as I work, create, write, discover, travel, EXPAND towards myself. No one can make the path for you and I may dare to add: Thanks God for that! I wouldn´t want anyone else inside my shoes because, despite all the tempests, they are pretty damn AMAZING shoes to live in. ´Wouldn´t exchange the hard times for smoother ones either because - yes, it is a classic: - they have made me who I am today.
Dance is the sum of so many things and in those things you will always find the WISDOM, LOVE, INNER LIFE and MATURITY that only arrive with life experience and learnt lessons (directly squizzed from some pretty acid lemons, most of the times).
As I return from yet another HUGELY SUCCESSFUL work trip (this time to San Sebastian, Spain) I find myself breathing slower and deeper than usual: I am grateful seems to sing out of my every pore.
Running at the sunset with our dogs (and watching rabbits, snakes, birds and all kinds of bugs on the way): jumping like a child: TRUSTING life and its fair blessings: it´s all part of the package of who I am as a person and a dancer.
The photos you see in this post are from my last show in Spain (Donostis events photos).
 As usual, I improvized with a total willingness to try new things, sensations, comunication tools, Magic*. It is better to fail - greatly - than to play safe and remain in the mediocrity of what I did yesterday (I´m crazy that way...).
I threw myself out from the cliff and dared to fly, fly, fly without knowing where I would land. The result?! Well, well: appreciation that came in the shape of some warm yelling from the audience, heart melting comments and hugs from all dancers in the festival and so many other litthe (big) blessings that reassure me that the high way is also the RIGHT way.

 With my heart in my hands I danced, gave a lecture, taught my workshops and looked at each person I met with the curiosity of a new born puppy. Ain´t no other way to LIVE: or you allow yourself to die and be reborn or you become one of the cynical half dead people that pollutes this mad world of ours.

From all the BLESSINGS I am GRATEFUL for I tend to press my button on these:

1. My health and the health of the ones I love the most.

2. The Love inside and around me - everywhere I go, really.

3. The prosperity, the success that comes from a deep respect, appreciation and feeling of empathy for my VISION of ORIENTAL DANCE.

4. My wide circle of friends spread all over the world - supporting me as well as receiving my support, inspiring me as well as being inspired by me, celebrating my feasts and giving me their hands on the falls: such a BLESSING to have you all in my Life (you know who you are).

5. The realization that ALL my DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE, one by one and in front of my eyes that shine in full glitter of excitement for the gift of BEING ALIVE.
The much that was already done shows me - in fact - that the so much more I dream to do is POSSIBLE and it goes way beyond everything I can imagine. Blessed and grateful for that lucid VISION and the strength to materialize it.
Let´s ROCK the WORLD! 

1 comment:

Hazem_Zoom said...

But I feel that you are really happy to be recently busy like that.
Anyways that's cool, big cheeeeeeeers

I like those photos here in this subject from your latest trip to spain,
If it was possible to see your performance not just as photos here.

You look so passionate in the photos here,(am I wrong?),yes as you you are enjoying your performance itself.

Thank you so much for sharing your life dance details with us,that's really interesting,another big cheeeeeers