Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Foreigner Dancers Versus Egyptian&Arab Dancers (and other articles)

I´ve written articles about Oriental Dance and the Life of Dancers for so many places and in so many directions that I tend to forget where all of them went. Much like objects: after I´m done with them, I simply erase their existence from my horizon (talk about dettachment...). It was a good reunion, then.
These were notes I wrote a while ago on the Facebook and totally forgot about. Someone called - again - my attention to it and here I am taking a new look at them and finding them worth sharing.

Read on, enjoy it and use it in your Dance/Life if your Soul tells you so.

Follow the links: 
And a final note to the soul (mine and yours: OURS):

The so called "perfectionism" is a plague I suffer from. Contrary to popular belief, it does not allow you to be better under all circumstances. It can - in fact - be the reason why you are not better in your craft, relationship, life in general. 

 After many head knocking sessions on the wall I - therefore - choose to replace "perfectionism" by GUTS. The guts to fail, if necessary. The guts to be medíocre, awful, average (the worst thing in the world for an artist), something of no consequence, insignificant: anything and everything: but with GUTS.

 Also noticing how relative it all is: what is "perfect" for me may not be "perfect" for you and there you go chasing a ghost that - to make matters even worse - cuts your legs, hands and courage.
To hell with perfectionism. Cheers to GUTS!

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