Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cairo, the 12th March, 2011


First of all, my word of apology goes directly to all the students who were waiting for my arrival to Venice.
Many of them sent me wonderful messages of appreciation through the Facebook and I know they were waiting for my workshops and performances with much joy and expectations.
I am deeply sorry I will not be able to share my ART with you all this time around but there will be other RIGHTFUL occasions for that.

Second, I must say that my intention is not to offend anyone but simply say the truth (that is comproved by the several emails and messages I have kept from this event s organizer
Vidhi Bogdanovska) and try to denounce any dishonesty that other dancers may be victims of.

My participation in the Festival was cancelled today by the organization itself because I demanded someone from their side to pick me from Venice airport and a written message to be sent to me confirming the coverage of my accomodation and meals expenses regarding the days of my stay in Venice.
This was already agreed between me and the Organization of the event, as I have documentation to comprove, but I had a bad feeling about the way the Organization was dealing with me and wanted to assure myself that I would not arrive to Venice and would pay all my expenses from my own pocket.

I was also offering my services, as requested by the organization and a friend that made the contact between me and them, to teach and perform totally free of charge which is something I NEVER do unless it is for charity purposes.

The Venice Oriental Dance Convention is not for charity purposes so they would use my ART and CONTRIBUTION in three full workshops I would teach and two performances for their own profit AND now I see they must have been expecting me to also pay for my hotel and meals during the stay in Venice for the event.

I have no words to describe the Organization s behaviour but all I want to say is:
I also wish more HONESTY dominated the Oriental Dance scene and ARTISTS would appreciate other artists.

The behaviour of the Venice Convention Organization is, in my opinion, dishonest and
anti-professional and I only wish to apologize to the students who were counting on my presence.
It was not my decision to cancel my participation at the last minute. I would never do something so irresponsible because I honour my public, my students and my NAME in the world market.
I NEVER fail to do what I promise to do - with or without contracts envolved - and I have my own word of honour, as everybody who knows me is aware of.

I never compromised with anyone for professional purposes and failed that commitment and
I never would. That s is just who I am in my personal and professional life.

I even mentioned this to the event s organizer, Ms. Vidhi.
Although I felt I was not being respected and appreciated for my participation, I was ready to do my job and learn from the experience, not repeating it with the same people.

The decision of cancellation arrived today from the organization s side because I was demanding something they could not satisfy:
An email confirming the payment of accomodation and meals for the days of my stay in Venice and someone to pick me from the Venice airport. These were the "DIVA" requests I seem to have made and this was the reason why they thought we could not work together.

Such a shame that Oriental Dance is full of incredible people but also dishonest, shameful individuals who make you wonder why you trust other human beings in the first place.

To all the participants in this event, I wish the best time of all and I send an ATTENTION signal to all the teachers and dancers invited. Be careful!


Zara (M.A.Mantuano) said...

I agree with you ..
It is a shame....
I thought as Vidhi Bogdanovska is an artist herself, she had more consideration for Oriental Dancers... I thought she made that for passion but it is just for business, and she is not so honest.... and exploits artists.
On the next months (maybe july or september) I wish I could come to Egypt, maybe I'll go to stay to Lorna Gow home, and I wish I could take private classes whith you.. also in the future , with my students

Joana Saahirah of Cairo said...

Thanks, dear Zara.
This is REALLY shameful behaviour and I just hope that the Venice Oriental Dance Convention and Ms. Vidhi will not REPEAT the same umprofessional and dishonest attitude with any other dancers. If I can accomplish that by telling out the truth, then I am DONE!
Spread the truth, please. This cannot happen to another artists.
Love from Cairo and will be happy to receive you here in one of my shows or classes, when you come!

Amani Jabril said...

I am sending you some love from here in Atlanta! I just had an almost EXACTLY the same problem with a promoter here.

You are worth every penny! Glad you stood up for yourself!

Much love!

Joana Saahirah of Cairo said...

Thanks for sharing, Amani!
These situations should be denounced, as much as possible, so that less and less dancers face dishonesty and disrespect.
We re all in the same boat and we should treat others as we wish to be treated. Such a simple rule but it seems so hard to apply in Life!

Hugs from the Nile.

Sara Naadirah said...

Oi Joana,
É incrível!!!
E eu a pensar que exploração das bailarinas só havia cá em Portugal...
Acho mesmo incrível que ainda aconteça coisas destas, ainda por cima, numa organização de um festival.
Quando é que haverá respeito pela nosso trabalho?!
Já tive inúmeras situações parecidas, e que quando exigi o mínimo, acharam-me presunçosa, "diva". O que mais me irrita é a falta de respeito... não sei... devem pensar que vivemos do ar, ou que tudo tem de ser feito na base da boa vontade... Não! porque nestes casos é pura exploração!
Querem o nosso trabalho, talento, tempo mas em troca iludem-nos com falsos "prestigios" quando na verdade querem ganhar às nossas custas. E quando reclamamos... ui...
O problema é que, infelizmente ainda há muitas "colegas" que por nada, sujeitam-se a tudo, até a este tipo de exploração.
Já perdi muitos trabalhos por exigir o justo. Fico com fama de "diva". Não quero saber... eu mantenho a minha posição! quem gosta gosta quem não gosta, temos pena! haverá sempre uma porta que se abre quando uma se fecha.
Um grande abraço e força!!!!
Sara Naadirah
PS: desculpa escrever em português mas o meu inglês escrito não é lá grande coisa. ;p

cairosalegoodies said...

Dear fellow dancers,
We will change this situation by demanding RESPECT and dignified conditions.
This happened to me because it was a request from a friend of mine who asked me to help the event and open an exception for them.
It was also my mistake to let my guard off. It wont happen again.

Querida Sara, estamos todas no mesmo barco e encaramos muitos problemas comuns.
A uniao torna-nos mais FORTES.
Abracos do Cairo.