Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Never mind the ones who are dead while walking upon this earth.

All human beings were born with the right to CHOOSE their own directions, faith and DESTINY.

So many of them choose the comfort of the known, even if that means living unhapppy, frustrating lives full of real and imaginary prisons.

And just a few choose to go out from their comfort zones and take the risk of actually LIVING, LOVING, GETTING HURT and DISAPPOINTED, LOOSING THEIR WAY and even themselves...on the way. Yet these rare ones are ALIVE. They do not die before their time and, when they do, they will carry away a body full of memories of passions, palpitating hearts, love affairs which made them dream and fly to the moon, sincere smiles and crude tears.

When the rare ones let go of their bodies, their soul will carry away days and nights of FREEDOM, LOVE shared and the presence of LIFE.

And then the rare ones will be eternal and they will never die.

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