Friday, April 8, 2011

The Tango Lesson - Milonga De Mis Amores

Discovering the ART of Tango has been a life saver and a reason of fascination for me. As a professional dancer, I take an interest in all kinds of Arts but choose to focus on Oriental Dance and Egyptian Folclore which are the integral part of my work/career. Yet, for pleasure purposes, I am as unfaithful as any sinner might get, so I dig into Tango with the passion of an ARTIST and the easy going attitude of someone who doesn t do it for a living but just for fun, joy and that oh THAT immense pleasure. Dancing TANGO with a great man/partner is like flying out of this world, pure evasion and dream. You fall in love with your partner in the time spam of a magical is that? I added this drug to my growing list of dependance substances. Besides Oriental Dance, the stage, my omnipresent books, tea and cappuccinos, love making with MY man, travelling and the sea...I must add TANGO as my most recent discovery to heal broken hearts and evade myself from this world. I am in love, as usual. It s not even the Tango. It s just me.

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