Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just arrived to Portugal...
Doing what I LOVE, being with people I LOVE, LOVING the half part of my heart (the other part is Egypt;) and longing to see the Atlantic ocean with my own eyes.
Preparing everything for the WORKSHOP on the 25th February, Lisbon.
And working my on my book. If I had any clue of the hard work writers endure to complete each literary piece, I would have prepared myself for the IMMENSE task. This book is kicking my "derrière" and pushing me beyond all my limits.
Soon return to Cairo for the next "Oriental Ladies night" and a brand new event, unique in Egypt, that will count on me and my orchestra bringing back the SOUL to Oriental Dance.
Life without PASSION is nothing. Sending all my friends, loved ones, fans and "all kinds" of followers my endless LOVE...............................................................

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