Thursday, February 23, 2012

What I am listening to these days (in Portugal)...
*My niece´s irresistible voice.
* Brazilian Samba that I use to dance with Alice, my niece.
*Birds, rabbits and other unidentified animals that follow me when I run on the countryside, in the morning, with our family dogs.
*The tick tack, not of the clock, but of my Pc´s keyboard while I keep on another*** ride which is working like a mad woman on my own BOOK´s writing.
*My first mother language: PORTUGUESE.
*Silence. Nada. Niente. The wind...(Ah, the BEST).
*** And of these - and other untold - sounds is composed the inner LIFE of a Dancer. Of everything I collect food. Of everything I get inspiration. Of sadness and joy I gain LIFE...

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