Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Secrets of Egypt BOOK shinning (receiving the LOVE of dancers/readers from around the World)

It´s a fact: there are many dimensions to life/reality and I´m just discovering some of them right now. Without GROWTH there is no life - as far as I´m concerned. No surprise that I am growing with my (now published) BOOK "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond" . The first step was writing it, drawing its illustrations and text graphism; then getting it published and circulating; now is PROMOTION time (still have no clue on how to properly do it; I´m a complete amateur in this book publishing business) and starting to receive the feed-back of readers from all corners of the world.
Now: this is FRESH (like the first Spring breeze after a long Winter), delicious and surprisingly addictive. I´ve mastered and adored some of Life´s pleasures since forever but this is a NEW one for me: watching what other people make of the book I wrote; what they feel/think/say about it and how different - and similar - we all are.
Never limiting myself. EXPRESSING who I am through my art(s) has been the air that I breathe since birth. May that be dancing, performing, choreographing, teaching, writing, drawing, singing, acting - you name it. If it´s burning in my heart, I´ll DO IT.
Thanks to all the readers, supporters (Wail Abdel, you´re a real brother and beautiful human being with a golden heart), fellow dancers, sponsors, friends who have been cherishing this baby. This Adventure is only getting started.
Bless you all.

Image of a dear reader who just got her copy of THE SECRETS OF EGYPT - DANCE, LIFE & BEYOND

Sent by my dear Ayanna (from London).

Another image - this time sent by dear Simone Gerstgrasser (from Italy) - of my (her) copy of the book resting on a breakfast table with a typical Egyptian cup of tea by its side (love this). This photo was taken in Egypt (go figure!).


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