Tuesday, September 20, 2011

*( The power of )Delicate details.

I live for those unexpected, delicate moments of kindness and beauty. Maybe they may seem insignificant to others and, for sure, they will pass unnoticed to most of us, but I am stubborn and weird that way: I have this strange tendency to focus on BEAUTIFUL details so it s only natural that I can t stop smiling when a cat says "hi" to me on the street 'cause I look at him with the eyes of love or when a stranger has a lovely gesture without expecting anything else in return.
I've seen the best and the worst of humans, I suppose. This school of Egypt is a great one to start/end with. But, no matter how many shocks of terror or joy I may catch inside of me, nothing and no one could ever erase this colourful addiction of searching for the BEAUTIFUL details everywhere.
And, because I search for them, I find them and find them and find them. That s part of the whole thing s magic...

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