Thursday, September 22, 2011

"The secret room"

No matter what happens around me and whatever people's actions or thoughts may be towards me, there's something in my world that no one - but me - can touch. The conviction of who I am, always in evolution and permanent change. The person I was this morning is not the same as the person I am right now and only ME has the key to that "evolutionary room" where peace, love and clowds made of cotton rest.

It s interesting to notice that it is from that secret room that I write, teach, choreograph and dance on stage. What I bring to the world is not a reflection of what I was taught but a reflection of what I, only me, can bring of UNIQUE to this world. Even more surprising and beautiful is to see that this is what I ask from my students and the road I try to open up for them: to find their own path in DANCE as in LIFE, not caring so much to copy other people s movements and life s choices.
I think I am becoming a good teacher.

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