Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Irish journey: Shakefest, shakesoul...

It´s hard to know where to start. My trips are, usually, professional ones.
 I travel around the world teaching and performing Egyptian Oriental dance and folclore, that´s what I do. But it is never just work. The much I give, the triple I receive back. Also I must admit how lucky I am to always find wonderful people who cherish my work and me, as a person, with such tenderness that it seems every place I visit becomes a nostalgic part of me that will be always missing from that point on.
Some particular places are even more special than others, that is certain and impossible to explain. What makes me click from inside on a mental, emotional, spiritual level?! What is that keeps me so deeply connected with a certain place?! I´m not even sure I wish to know the answer...not having all the answers and explanations is part of this pleasure of BEING ALIVE.

Ireland was one of those* places which gets under my skin and will never let me go. Some brief accounts of this amazing journey will follow...
Hope you enjoy the trip as much as I did.

Cliché of "my" moment: I love Ireland.

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