Monday, May 21, 2012

My own BOOK writing...

Oh, it´s killing me softly. Really!

Who told me to be a Dancer with a passion for writing?!
Between tours, shows, workshops, travels, I persist on the first reason that took me to perform in Egypt: the WRITING of a BOOK about the REALITY of being a WOMAN and an ORIENTAL DANCER in the birthplace of this art: Egypt. It took me six years of dedicated work with my musicians in Egypt, struggles (both personal and professional) as well as enough accumulated experience in order to feel MATURE enough to enter this INCREDIBLE journey and conclude it, against all odds.

No one, except me and God, has seen what´s being written. All I can say is the TRUTH - ugly and beautiful - is being openly told and I am sure that this BOOK will inspire every reader to reach for his/her own dreams and have the strenght to endure, fight and manage any obstacle that may come their way.

Killing me softly, probably turning me into a better person too. No one told me a BOOK which is being written has a life of its own, almost independent from the one who presumes to be writing it.

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