Friday, November 20, 2009

Cairo, the 20th November, 2009

"Egypt's mobilizing ability"

Egypt has lost the footbal match with Algeria and that I instantly knew while I was dancing and there were no signs of enthusiasm in the audience or around me. Plus, when I got off work and heard silent streets and no fireworks in the sky I knew something had gone really wrong with this game...
Let's say it as it is: it's JUST FOOTBALL, not a war decision or a political change that will feed millions of egyptians who still live in poverty. Winning or loosing this game would not change people's lives in any way and still, coming from a country where we love football with over the top passion, I can understand the disappointment of this defeat.
What harmed egyptian's pride the most wasn't even not winning the game but the agressions the national team supporters suffered from algerians during and after the game.
No comments on the aggression and ignorant stuff like that. Not even animals act like this, much less creatures who call themselves human beings!

So... As I got off work yesterday night around 1.30h in the morning, some main streets in the city were blocked due to a manifestation against algerian behaviour towards egyptians during this match event. The Algerian embassy was surrounded by screaming men from all ages and cars honked as if there was no tomorrow all over the place.
If egyptians would mobilize this fast and passionately against social injustice and so many other Government decisions, this country could be close to Paradise! Waw! How fast can this people gather, organize a manifestation and show their discontent?!

I totally agree with egyptian's sadness towards defeat and being victims of aggression. I feel half egyptian already and so this has become my country too, part of my identity and soul.
Just wish this passion for football would be turned into a passion for human rights.

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