Monday, November 23, 2009

Cairo, the 22nd November, 2009

"Fast recovery, thanks GOD!"

I'm still feeling dizzy and weak.As usual, I totally ignored the doctor's indications to remain at home for three days and stop eating this and that and...couldn't help but return to work.

Yesterday night I danced in a much more relaxed - had no energy for more! - and slower way. That was fine, even better than fine. Not having energy to be tense and overdoing is quite FINE, actually. Desirable for most dancers and I include myself in the group.

While I was on stage, I managed to even forget that a few hours before I had woken up on the floor of my bathroom and was hardly able to walk a few meters by myself.

How did I recover this fast?!

Well, strong medication helped and some mysterious stuff I carry inside me that make me stand up and rise up from all kinds of falls when no one is expecting it. I can only thank GOD!

All weakness/sickness brings a lesson or an alert signal with it. I am aware of that.

I had already established priorities in my life and totally erased the subjects and people who had no quality to be part of my world but it seems there's still some more mental cleaning to do.

I am up to it!

Our energy is renewable but it has to be managed in order not to enter a deficit state (as it happened in my case). Redistributing - even more, even better - my own available energy is my Number 1 MUST DO for now.

Always on the move, always transforming myself.This seems to be the aim of my life.

I'm still on it.

To celebrate my recovery, here are some shots of last night's shows. May I say it was an WONDERFUL night?! May I say nobody even believed I had been so sick a few hours before?!

Thanks, God!

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