Friday, August 13, 2010

Cairo, the 11th August, 2010

Sleeping by your side...

Sleeping by your side and the beauty of it.

It can be just the landscape of your presence.

It can be the silent warm summer that pours from your skin and still covers me, even without touching me.

It can be just your breath on my hair or the simple fact that you're there and I can see you in all your human fragility.

It can be the magic of having you near.The simple magic of having you near...

The beauty of sleeping by your side (even without touching you ) would have to be explained how mystics explain the power of SILENCE. You can't actually explain it by words, just


The beauty of it...

It can be that overwhelming feeling of LOVE that needs nothing but your existence.

The fact that you exist and you're laying down by my side and everything is perfect because you're there and there's nothing else I need, dream of or desire cause you're near, breathing the same air with me, turning everything into joy and my eyes into sparkling stars that need not to be kissed.

The beauty of it remains in the fact that I can touch you and you can touch me without ever feeling each other's skin.

And I love you.

(And nothing else matters.)

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