Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cairo, the 29th August, 2010

Moving waters in a stagnated Ramadan month...

As far as I am concerned, PEACE always comes with movement or what I call productive stillness. That kind of stillness where everything REAL and ESSENTIAL happens, the SILENCE and all the angels of the earth and the sky holding you tenderly...that´s the stillness I enjoy. Meditation, holding your mum´s hand, looking at the sea with no end, having the man you love in your arms with no words required, observing wild animals breathing so naturaly or a tree and all the little miracles it´s composed of...being STILL is being more alive than ever.

What I can´t stand is being STAGNATED. STUCK. NOT ABLE TO MOVE DUE TO IMPOTENCE OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES. That kind of immobility kills me. Starting from my nerves, then heading to my mind and, finally, my heart and soul.

I can be still while LIVING but not still if that means being held against my will between choices or situations that are not happy or productive.

So, although this is a still (lazy, perhaps!) month to live here in Cairo (Ramadan and fasting brings all kinds of different rituals and excuses for less productivity), I am making my own movement, underneath the apparent immobility of it all.

Because REAL MOVEMENT always starts from within ourselves, in DANCE as in LIFE. REAL changes come from inside ourselves and REAL feelings too.

What makes us MOVE and FLOW with the BIG RIVER of existence comes from that place in our soul that doesn´t quit to celebrate and MOVE,

I am all up for STILLNESS that is contemplative, productive in a sense of enjoyment of something great but totally oposed to STAGNATION.

Dancing my way out of it. In DANCE as in LIFE because one is a mirror of the other.

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