Monday, August 23, 2010

Cairo, the 23rd August, 2010

My sister´s birthday and more LIGHT in times of darkness...

Today is my sister´s birthday (hi, Catarina!) and I wish to be in Portugal to celebrate it with her and our family. As we all know, everything in life has a price and being away from my homeland has too many kinds of prices to pay.

From another perspective, you can be closer than ever to someone, even if physically apart and that´s the case for me and my sister (so different from me and yet sharing the same blood). We pick up from where we left it as soon as we see each other and there´s no much need for words of occasion between us.Our relation has always been like that: raw, conflictual, honest, direct and passionate as only sisters can be with each other.

For her, my unconditional LOVE. Always.May you have the best birthday ever and I am with you today and after, and after and after. We´ll sing together in the bathroom when I visit you in Portugal. Hold your voice and warm up for I come.

Meanwhile, performing everyday (receiving some AMAZING crowds from all over the world!) at the NILE MAXIM, preparing new show for the muslim Feast "Aid", starting some mean tango lessons next week, digging into the writing of my own book (need new laptop cause mine is suffering a painful, slow death...) and organizing next treap to India.

Because the day has been dark in my heart, here´s something to cheer me up:

Dance changes biology into a metaphor of the spiritual body in much the way that poetry changes ordinary words into forms that allow meaning that words normally cannot convey. Jamake Dance changes biology into a metaphor of the spiritual body in much the way that poetry changes ordinary words into forms that allow meaning that words normally cannot convey.
Jamake Highwater

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