Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cairo, the 25th August, 2010

The show must go on...

As a performer, I have it as a fact for life that the show (and life, as the show-stage it also is) must go on, no matter how happy or sad you are, no matter how tradegy or extreme happiness has struck your life. You just don´t get stuck, you move on, forward, upward, in all directions...

The show must go on and it always does for me.

I realize I mention my mother quite often in several entries of both my blogs (I write this one in english and manage to sort of update another written in my mother language, porttuguese).

The truth is her inffluence on me is huge and the hard way she helped to build my character has proven to be a life-saver on so many extreme occasions. She always mocked at tears, never allowed me to be depressed for more than one day or let me sit on my arse just because I am so down I cannot move (what?! she would say...just get up and move!!!).

It was pretty though, as a child, to have a mother who was not compassionate with my suffering (and children have all kinds of sufferings, real and imaginary). I often wished my mum was like other mums I saw with my school pals, patting their backs everytime they fell or defending them if a stronger kid beat them but, God will, she was never like that.

Someone beat you, you defend yourself with your own arms, legs and guts.

Someone let you down, just get up, learn from the lesson and move forward.

If tears roll down your face, let them roll as much as they wish but not forever. One day is the limit.

Oh, Lord. How much I thank my mum for being so tough on me. Because NOW, as an adult, I fear nothing but God.

And because of her I am able to keep on performing and sharing my DANCE and HEART (no matter how happy or broken it may be) with audiences from all the world, night by night, second by second.


And it does!

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