Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cairo, the 23rd January, 2011

If they say you can't...

I am used to closed doors, big fat NO's and loads of people who think I cannot DO whatever I dream to do. Even when I have proved myself in my career over and over again, the stigma that permeates WOMEN in the Middle East (and, may I say, still around the world) puts too little faith on my ability to accomplish whatever I wish for without the "help/bed" of a powerful man.

Particularly in Egypt, I am daily facing on my skin this depreciative image about women.

If you add to that the fact that I will not prostrate myself or lick the boots of any man in order to be supported in my dreams, the game gets even tougher.

Add to that the fact of being considered beautiful and NOT USING that beauty in my advantage or for my own profit. A beautiful woman who doesn't use it for her own gain is not considered HONEST and RESPECTABLE around here but...STUPID!

Living in Egypt, by myself, as a professional Oriental Dancer is TRULY mind blowing, "everything" blowing, really...

But after all I've seen and lived around here, I still laugh at those who think I CANNOT DO WHATEVER I DREAM OF simply because I am a woman and due to my stupidity (why wouldn't I go out with the "right rich guys" and let them use/exhibit me as their beef of the month in exchange for career opportunities?!).

To those who think and say "You can't do it" there's only one diplomatic, extremely poetic answer:


(and this is the classic answer of an also classical stupid woman who doesn't know how to answer better than this...yeah, I guess that's ME!)

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