Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cairo, the 23rd January, 2011

To all those who INSPIRE me every day...

My gratitude, hug and appreciation to the various individuals (whom I call my disguised "angels") who inspire me and push me forward on a daily basis.

As a professional dancer and as well as a person, I need those bits of LIGHT and FIRE. They come in diverse shapes and forms. They may be a stranger smiling at me with true tenderness in the street, a TANGO dance partner who makes me fly in his arms while dancing one of my favourite songs, a friend who sends me a poem or calls me just to say "I miss you", the lips of a lover covering my face with kisses, a bunch of birds in the sky heading for Spring time, a sweet cat that runs towards me to purr in my ear, a loving letter from Portugal, etc,etc,etc...

Oh, yes! We can count the constant "put downs" around us but it's surely better to count the PUSH UPS that surrounds us all the time. And having the ability to catch their drift on the spot is also essencial. How good is a beautiful tempest if you cannot enjoy the RAIN?!

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