Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cairo, the 9th January, 2011

New SHOW on my mind...

Being a performer is always a "starting from zero" challenge. How many things were not done YET? How much more can I do with the resources (money, baby!) I have on my hands?
How much am I allowed to do? Or allow myself to do?
I have a new show on my mind and, for that reason, that startling sensation of going back to ground ZERO where I know nothing and all my previous work gets reduced to ashes. For something NEW and BETTER to be born, the old must DIE. It's not always easy but only by letting the OLD die we can have SPACE to LIVE and RECEIVE the BETTER that is arriving.
Asking my usually generous muses of Inspiration not to let me down...
I kind of (!?) depend on them, you know!?

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