Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cairo, the 23rd January, 2011

The magic of a broken heart!

I am discovering the magical powers of a broken heart.

When you reach that point of deep, total disappointment at someone you deeply love and when you see your heart broken to the point of bleeding, then you are in a perfect situation to see many kinds of miracles happen.
There's no middle term when you reach this state of sorrow and heart breaking. Or you become a cynical who doesn't believe in human beings and in love or you TRANSFORM yourself into a HIGHER, BETTER magnet for the RIGHT kind of LOVE to come to you and mirror who you really are.
Or you remain on the floor, crying and wondering how could you be such a fool or you RISE UP and thank God for the good moments of the past, KNOWING for sure that someone/something better is around for you.
I collect the broken pieces of my heart and dance with them, juggling each little broken piece between my exhausted hands. From that broken heart dancing something NEW will be born and I will be BORN along with it.

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