Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Completely OUT of the BOX - more and more and then some more...

Comfort doesn´t seem to be my cup of tea - it has never been. The climbing of the mountain becomes boring once the peak is on sight. It´s the pleasure of the challenge - and what I learn on the journey UP - that excites me. Do I need to prove something to someone? Probably myself?...Maybe I do. Maybe I shouldn´t. I don´t know (who does?!). One thing is certain: I´m addicted to the adrenaline of challenging myself and climbing mountains that no one believes I can climb (apart from my "other" addictions, some confessable and some not*). The point may well be about proving them* wrong and by THEM* I don´t only mean the people who didn´t (some still don´t) believe I could accomplish all my dreams but mostly the VOICES inside my head that keep telling me: YOU CANNOT DO IT.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, those voices who ask me (with despise) who the hell do I think I am keep dancing inside me as the faithful companions they are. There´s a side of me who KNOWS better than that, of course. Life experience and the victories I´ve achieved MY WAY empower me but, nonetheless, the devil is omnipresent and consistently by my side. It* makes me doubt myself, my worth, my dignity, my VALUE as an ARTIST and a HUMAN BEING. The best thing about me is that I´m not a coward and I terrible at losing so I FACE these mother fuckers and seduce them to dance with me - instead of against me. That I do.
Doing it* (feeling sooooo crazy right now).

My Billie (Holiday) and Louis Armstrong


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