Sunday, January 5, 2014

Testosterone + "the belly dancer" ghost (NOT a good combination)

 "Your honour, I rest my case!" I really do.
Even out of Egypt - in countries we (I) consider civilized and modern thinking - the ghost of the "bellydancer" who eats men for breakfast is alive and healthier than ever.
I mean: really? The only conclusion I take is that there are a LOT - meaning: A L-O-T - of sexually frustrated men (and women) in this world from the East to the West.
I tried not to go into details when I talked to my new trainer at the gym but he eventually figured out who I was and didn´t refrain from inquiring more about that "bellydance business of yours". I confess I have no more patience, energy or compassion to offer diplomatic answers or find excuses for people´s ignorance and the major crap that is still done out of Oriental Dance. I am out of stamina for this bulshit - it´s old, rotten, dead meat for me.
I know I will never be alone at the gym from now on. The news of my "infamous" profession will spread like a plague and I will be once more (and maybe forever) the dangerous vamp who steals husbands from good wives and eats them without a fork or a knife.
In Portugal we have a saying that goes, more or less, like this: "always say yes to crazy people".
I will.

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