Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cairo, the 11th November, 2010

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

And I am not dead so...good news!
I am stronger and eager to fight back with my claws, character and courage.
If only these men had the slightest idea of what it means the word WOMAN!

And my diplomatic word for every pasha who thinks he can buy me is a candid and sweet: Fuck yourself!


Anonymous said...

you are very angry !!!!

Joana Saahirah of Cairo said...

Yes, I am!And I should be. I have proven myself and my talent way too much for me to STILL receive pressures from men who think I will, one day Inshah Allah, sell mytself in order to grow even more in my career. No matter how many times I say NO in their faces, they keep trying and harming my work because I refuse them. It really drives me crazy! So that's what I mean: Let them fuck themselves and I get an extra strenght from it all!
My mum doesn't call me a gipsy tiger for nothing!

Anonymous said...

i understand your anger tiger :)
but since you lived in cairo several years now, this won't surprise you,, you know the famous qoute " guys use the area below their belly to think more that behind their eyes" :))))
and here is egypt we don't you our brain very much :D
yet Egyptian does not learn fast enough
even so there are good people around...
but i prefer gipsy Cat rather than tiger , Cat can be smooth and soft , and when needed it use their claws fast the sharp
but is tigers soft and smooth !!!
