Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cairo, the 16th November, 2010
The BODY of a DANCER is...




While stretching and getting ready for one more show yesterday night - which always feels like the first show ever! - I couldn't stop but wonder how amazing my body has been to me during all these years of professional (and amateur) dance, exhaustion, struggles, miscare from my part and general lack of thanksgiving.

It has been carrying me around life with such dignity, intensity, joy, feeling, oh my GOD!!!
How precious and life sustaining it has been and yet how unnoticed by me!

You usually don't realize the true value of what you've got until it's totally lost but I intend, once and for all, to give my body the recognition and love it deserves.

Why is that, sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to give love to yourself? And, if you don't know how to love yourself, how come you can give it to others?! (?!)
I checked my legs, my arms, my precious belly and hips that have given me so much, my deep eyes and my expressive hands and thanked God for this amazing instrument that has never failed me and then felt deeply moved by the miracle of how it all works and regenerated itself in order to keep me healthy, living, moving ahead.

That last night's show was dedicated to my own TEMPLE, the BODY of a Dancer.
The instrument God uses to speak about pleasures, life, love, death and rebirth.

Living between societies which still punish, limit and point the accusing finger to women's bodies and their free expression, it's a blessing for me to have this clear relationship with myself and treasure every part of this material being I am composed of.

The vision of my own expressive, sacred body will never leave me again and I will be forever thankful for all it has done for me and with me.

The body of a DANCER is...
ATTENTIVE and fast of reaction, bright and intelligent in its own special way.

Disciplined, "not giving up" kind of hard working, funny and impossible to predict.

Hungry for pleasures - all pleasures of the senses and the spirit - and thirsty for the holy water of LOVE.

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