Friday, December 10, 2010

Cairo, the 10th December, 2010

Woody Allen and Billie Holiday

" It's not in vino veritas, it's in eros veritas"
said by Woody Allen in the movie " Anything Else".
I happen to agree, kind of... both in wine and in love you can ACTUALLY see a TRUE person's personality. Love is just the best mirror one can have and vino/wine, well...I have watched the incredible revelations that come with it.
I would add DANCE (of course I would!) to this list of truth revelation items.
The day started at a pleasant, ordinary pace with washing machine fixing at home, supermarket shopping (no strong sexual harassemente this time, thanks LORD!!!), manicure and pedicure and all that feminine boring maintenance stuff I have to do before any night of performances.
Coming back home, I was surprised by a Woody Allen movie...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................
Combining my cinematographic madness - Woody Allen - and my daily musical "shower" lover - Billie Holiday - was just a soul gift for Christmas time.
Forget the troubles and hurricanes. Give me a bit of my dear New York in a movie and make me sing along with chocolate covered Billie Holiday and everything seems lighter, POSSIBLE and cooler.
Tonight's shows will be inspired by this movie. How?! I really don't know yet. But I KNOW they will.
P.S. Artists are really crazy people, aren't they?

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