Friday, September 10, 2010

Cairo, the 10th September, 2010

Empty Cairo (?!)

This will be the last breath of the month´s celebrations. The BIG FEAST "Il Aid" is turning Cairo into a virtual ghost city.

Just came from the street, disappointed, where I was suppose to eat sushi with a friend because my elected restaurant (as well as all other in the surrounding area) was closed.

It´s Friday and it´s the first day of the "AID", people tell me.
"What do you expect?"

I guess this is like Christmas time in my country when nobody expects to receive any kind of public service or see a live soul in the streets...

So we returned home and made our own lunch (not sushi!) instead. You cannot beat this tide...

Will life go back to "normal" tomorrow?!
I hope so...I wonder how tonight´s shows will go.

Hoping for the best!

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