Sunday, June 17, 2012

Choreography dedicated to all my students around the WORLD!

One of my own choreographies *(for teaching), dedicated to ALL the students that studied with me until today and who keep being a precious and essencial part of my Journey.
There would be no journey at all without you.
Specially dedicated to Ireland *(cause a promise is a PROMISE).

It is known I very rarely post my own choreographies as I see them as working&training material that is supposed to be taught directly from me to the students but, sometimes, I get special requests and this is one of them. My dear Mahmoud Reda filmed it in his studio, downtown Cairo.

With much appreciation for all the sponsors, students, audiences that cherish my work and, by doing that, give me strenght and faith to keep growing as an ARTIST, a TEACHER and a CHOREOGRAPHER.

This one is DEDICATED to all of you. My Love is always in each one of the steps we shared, share or will share.
Thanks for shinning in my Life.:)))

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