Friday, June 15, 2012

Tabla and presidential elections...

Why have I not commented on current political egyptian affairs in a deep way?! Simply because I am not a diplomat and, therefore, I´m a little afraid of saying things I may regret later on.
Also because (oh, we go...) because I think the second round of elections in Egypt is a farce, a well played game that the BIG SHOTS threw on the people to make them think THEY elected one of the two assholes (I warned you I am not a diplomat!) that are running for Egypt´s presidency. 
Old crap or new crap: that´s the choice egyptian people will have when, tomorrow and Sunday, they vote (for the second time). A candidate belonging to the old bunch of thieves and a candidate belonging to a new bunch of thieves who also happen to be openly mental retards (does "Muslim Brotherhood" ring a bell?!) wishing to turn the country into a medieval version of hell according to their own distorted vision of the "Koran". 
For me, it would  all be a BIG joke, if it wasnt´t for the lives already lost during and after a Revolution that seems to have been stolen from the PEOPLE of EGYPT. If I feel surprised? Of course not. Who would think that they could clean an whole corrupted country just by cutting the head of the bull? Hosny Mubarak was not in power for 30 years alone. A LOT of business men - from all levels and fields - and politicians covered his back as he covered theirs. There is a CORRUPTION net widely spread in the country and that net is not eliminated if you take Hosny Mubarak out of the game. Because it is a game, a dangerous one because it shapes the lives of millions and, probably, the whole world. 
Honestly? I am not excited for the times to come. Not a bit. And I´m an optimist, you see...that´s the saddest part of all.
Meanwhile, DANCE will LIVE (while it still can) tomorrow on my 


Join the party and taste a bit of "my Egypt", the one I am afraid is disappearing in front of my bare eyes. 

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