Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shakefest Celebration!

Shakefest seems to be a gathering of kind, interesting people...did they secretly auditioned for this event?! (I have to check that one with Terri...). From Terri herself (warrior, warrior!) to Fionna (lovely indian dinner we had in Dublin, dear...wonder how it was to watch me "having a MOMENT" while tasting my "palaak paneer"!?), Dudley and Bonnie, Steve (whom I wish to be a future cultural guide of the whole place as he is a passionate, well informed and imaginative story teller) as well as all the volunteers and participants I met, EVERYONE seemed to have arrived with a RICH, INTERESTING world of their own.

And YES, the Festival feels like a CELEBRATION. That is the spirit of it all***.
My Workshops - Oriental Classic and modern as well as Saiidi - and Conference were held in one of the gorgeous ballrooms of the castle where you could easily see grand, noble, fancy people dancing into the nights, smoking "pure cubanitos", dinning on caviar and oysters from the irish maritime coast.

The show was also held in another ballroom with some very warm and enthusiastic audiences (Irish rapidly became part of that group of my own "favourite audiences in the world"), wild and funny as they come.

Lots of fun, although my wings were absent (aka my egyptian orchestra). Performing on cd is the most difficult thing in the world for me, after years of working with live music played by extremely talented (and f......d up) musicians as mine. ´Have no idea if my fellow spirits were watching me dance or not but I would like to think they were and that they enjoyed it. ;)

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